- October 2024:
Excited to welcome Dr. Maryam Arab as a new Postdoctoral Researcher!
- June 2024:
Congratulations to Dr. Lei Zhang on his wonderful Ph.D. defense!
- June 2024:
Ashley will be presenting her paper on representing code at scale at Learning @ Scale in Atlanta!
- April 2024:
Several group members (and alumni) will be in Hawaii for CHI 2024. Say "hi" if you're there!
- April 2024:
Lei Zhang will join NJIT Informatics as an Assistant Professor after a one-term postdoc at Princeton. Congratulations, Lei!
- January 2024:
Dr. Rebecca Krosnick (2023 Ph.D. graduate) joined Postman as a software engineer! Congratulations, Dr. Krosnick!
- November 2023:
Congratulations to Dr. Rebecca Krosnick on her awesome Ph.D. defense!
- November 2023:
April Wang (2023 alum) joined ETH Zürich as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science. Congratulations, Professor Wang!
- November 2023:
Mauli Pandey (2023 alum) joined Google as a UX Researcher. Congratulations, Dr. Pandey!
- October 2023:
Ashley Zhang presented at VL/HCC 2023 in Washington, D.C.!
- September 2023:
Steve Oney was elected to the VL/HCC steering committee
- September 2023:
Congratulations to Dr. Mauli Pandey and Dr. April Wang on their exceptional Ph.D. defenses!
- September 2023:
We welcomed Jiacheng Zhang, a new UMSI Ph.D. student, to the spot group!
- April 2023:
April, Ashley, Lei, Mauli, and Rebecca will be in Hamburg for CHI 2023. Say "hi" if you're there!
- April Wang
- Ashley Zhang
- Lei Zhang
- Rebecca Krosnick
- Mauli Pandey
- Colaroid: A Literate Programming Approach for Authoring Explorable Multi-Stage Tutorials
- VizProg: Identifying Misunderstandings by Visualizing Students' Coding Progress
- VRGit: A Version Control System for Collaborative Content Creation in Virtual Reality
- How Pairing by Code Similarity Influences Discussions in Peer Learning
- Promises and Pitfalls of Using LLMs for Scraping Web UIs
- January 2023:
Yan Chen (2020 alum) joined Virginia Tech CS as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations, Professor Chen!